Do you also sometimes think about if your life is going the way you want it to go?
Do you also sometimes think about if your life is going the way you want it to go?
Sure, life is an unpredictable journey and a lot of things can happen that will influence where this journey will take you.
And yet, you have two fundamentally different options as to how you want to experience this journey. Two options that are completely different with regards to how strongly you will influence where this journey leads and what it looks like along the way.
One option is becoming a PILOT. The other is remaining a PASSENGER. Being a pilot allows you to create the life you truly want to live. Remaining a passenger does not.
The thing is, if you don’t become the pilot of your own life but only remain a passenger, you will end up living a life you would never choose for yourself. And how sad would that be?
Listen to Jay Shetty explain this concept beautifully here.
I often think of this as follows:
Naturally, our life is like a stream of water. Without effort, it will run down the path that has been carved out for it. The path of least resistance. Which is very likely not the most exciting nor most fulfilling path it could take.
This means that, without your conscious attention and effort, you will sleepwalk through most of your choices and basically become a slave to your environments — and what they want you to be.
And the problem is that our environments are usually NOT structured such that they help us thrive and get what we all want: health, happiness, meaning, good relationships. And if you really think about it, you know just how true this is.
Think of the goals culture injects into us from a very early age, how the media and advertising industry is playing with our minds, the way in which our food environments trigger us, or how different people can influence our feelings and thoughts regardless if we want to or not.
All of this and much more makes us perpetually strive for things that don’t make us happy, continuously work in jobs we don’t like, repeatedly buy stuff we don’t need, regularly eat foods that make us sick, quickly form beliefs and opinions that make us bitter and cynical, unconsciously develop fears of change that paralyze us — and become unmotivated and unhealthy in the process.
I know this sounds very harsh. But to some degree, most of this is true for most of us, most of the time. And the earlier we acknowledge this, the more time (and energy!) we have to proactively steer our lives into a direction we really want to go and not let it be carried away — to become the pilot instead of remaining a passenger.
There’s an alternative to having our lives slip away in front of us.
That alternative is a life full of mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual stimulation.
A life grounded in curiosity and passion, offering discoveries that let you grow in every dimension.
A life full of meaningful connections that let you flourish and thrive.
A life that flows from your own deep desires and motivations, aligned with your own principles and values.
A life that creates experiences you can fully immerse into, learn from, enjoy and deeply appreciate.
In short, a life you truly want to live.
And making that alternative come true is 100% possible for you. And it lies within your power. Your power alone. Regardless of where you stand right now at this moment.
But it requires action and effort. Being the pilot requires action and effort. Remaining a passenger does not.
Continuously crafting the life you truly want to live requires action and effort. Just existing and being pushed around does not.
That said, becoming a better pilot is not this mysterious riddle that only the chosen few among us ever get to solve. I believe it’s a challenge you and I and everyone else can tackle and master — by investing into and growing in the following six areas:
Learning about how the world works and understanding the mechanics and structures that govern reality as we perceive it and how we fit into it.#SELF-AWARENESS
Getting to know yourself — your strengths and weaknesses, your desires and fears. Learning how to deal with and better channel your emotions and how to separate your own inner voice from what your surroundings are trying to impose on you.#MINDSET
Collecting, adopting, and developing beliefs and ideas that allow you to take good decisions both consciously and unconsciously.#DRIVE
Becoming able to purposefully seek and spark inspiration and motivation. Learning how to create passion, define meaningful values and formulate your own mission.#HABITS
Developing behaviors that create and maintain both physical and mental health and fitness, as well as habits that fuel your growth in the other areas.#ENVIRONMENT
Understanding how environments influence you and becoming capable to manage those influences effectively. Learning how to create better environments around yourself that push you forward and make you thrive.
You don’t have to become a master in any of these areas. But, I believe, that by being curious about, engaging with, developing your understanding of and advancing your skills in all of those areas — over time, bit by bit — something great will happen.
You will become capable of doing two things.
Firstly, taking whatever life throws at you and deciding what to do with it, not letting it demotivate and derail you just like that.
Secondly, living your life proactively such that you get more of what you actually want and less of what you don’t want (or falsely assume you want).
And these are the main qualities you need to become a better pilot of your own life. To create the life you truly want to live.
Don’t sit around waiting for the good life to unfold itself in front of you. Because, chances are, it won’t. You have to create it yourself. And you can.
Investing into the areas above will make you more and more capable of doing just that.
It’s my mission to share with you all of the information, perspectives, resources, tools, and tactics that can inspire, help, and guide you to become a better pilot.
I am neither a guru nor a life coach because I am only learning and experimenting myself. But I am a collector of good ideas, a packager of information and a communicator of inspiring insights that you can immediately apply in your own life.
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