Does it suck?
Okay, but will it also suck 10 minutes from now?
Okay, but will it also suck 10 days from now?
Okay, but will it also suck 10 months from now?
— Well, stop making it so important then.
The 10-10-10 Method is a powerful way to recalibrate our perception of how impactful a situation, an event or a problem truly is.
Whenever we experience emotional turmoil, like when we are facing a really tough personal decision or when our stupid colleague is annoying and unfair to us, we can ask the following:
How will this make me feel 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years from now?
Will still still matter? Will this have changed my life for the worse?
Now, if I can see that this won’t matter in the future — why let it annoy my present?
My unpopular opinion on this: The only reason why we let petty things disturb our peace so quickly is that we don’t realize how ridiculously unimportant much of what we bitch about actually is.
Does this mean that nothing ever matters greatly for your future?
Does this mean that nothing ever is worth worrying about?
Does this mean that nothing ever will make me feel different in 10 years from now?
Does this mean that noth — stop it!
It simply means that we constantly forget how quickly everything can go away. If we let it.
To recalibration,
P.S.: If this email looks kinda different — it’s because it is. I am moving my content from Medium and Wix over to Substack which is a lot smoother and minimalistic.
I will create a fresh idea-sharing format with this in the future. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, check out dozens of my articles you never saw here.
P.P.S.: If you haven’t checked it out yet, you might love my latest book Sparks.