We’ve all heard this.
“You have to know your vision and find your calling.”
Okay, cool. But how, though?
It seems like some people have just figured it out. It’s like they always knew what they are supposed to do.
They even tell us. (“I just always knew that my calling was to …”)
And sometimes, they can make us feel as if there’s something wrong with us. Simply because we can’t find that blazing light inside us. That blazing light that’s supposed to unmistakably show us the way.
Why can’t we see our calling? Aren’t we looking closely enough? Are we blind? Are we ignorant? I don’t think so.
I believe that this blazing light phenomenon is an exception. A big one.
I mean, there definitely are people who find their calling and can define their life’s vision simply by looking deep within them. No doubt. But they are lucky (kind of).
For the rest of us, “finding our calling” is much more an act of trial & error than it is an act of deep introspection. If you’re like most people, your inner world is populated by a bazillion rather dim fireflies — not just this one bright light.
It kind of looks like this:
What you have to do is explore those fireflies and see if you can turn them into something brighter.
Many will die along the way, some won’t change much, a few will get brighter, but not THAT bright. And maybe one or two might turn into something much much brighter. Something that brings passion & purpose — a good fundament for your life’s vision.
And how do we do this?
By cultivating a curious mind.
By taking deep dives into that which seems interesting.
By exposing ourselves to different ideas, topics, perspectives, people, and places.
By combining interests of ours and not shying away from exploring things that are seemingly not “related to what we are currently doing.”
It’s okay if this takes time. And it’s okay if your interests, passions, and even visions change over time.
Just make sure you are not living by accident but on purpose.
And by that, I mean that you should be proactive in the search for your life’s calling.
Don’t sit around waiting. Do something.
Go deep.
Go broad.
Be curious.
Be open.
Be active.
The end.
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